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potato_hamster said:

Yeah, maybe you should go back and watch those trailers. They feature the fact that they're Miis about the same as Big Boss is featured in any MGS trailer. Seriously. In fact when you think about it, in one MGS trailer they even show the horn grow! Man that must be why that game sold better than MGS4. MGS4 didn't feature a guy with a horn at all. That must be the reason why, of course! It couldn't possibly be anything else. Sound dumb? That's because it is, and that is the same logic you're using to argue that Marketing the inclusion of Miis means that the inclusion of Miis is a main reason why the game was sucessful.

You're saying that the Tomodatchi Life sold as well as it did because it featured Miis. Then of course, by extension that means it would not have sold well if it did not feature Miis. Therefore, there must be something about Miis that make them better for that game than any other generic avatar. In order to say this, you have to demonstrate that there is something special about Miis that make them special, and you'd also have to demonstrate if you introduced similar but different avatars that were equally customizable the game would not be as successful. Otherwise you are quite literally guess as to why the game was successful. Again I'm not saying that the addition of Miis was absolutely not a factor, but it's impossible to say whether ot not Miis made that game 0$,20% or 90% more successful. In fact the game might have been more successful had it not featured Miis. Seriously. You have no way of knowing. None.

It's actually painful how completely irrational you're being while accusing me of the very mistakes you make over and over again.

I've watched the trailers of MGS5, they use intrigue to engage people who watch them it's a classic approach especially for something cinematic, you're out of touch argument as far as your MGS4 comparison goes as that analogy is the most irrelevant thing so far. The adverts weren't showing the inclusion of Miis, the marketing campaign flat out highlighted them as the central piece to the games, your argument here is beyond broken as you can't grasp marketing approaches so just came up with any random example in a desperate attempt to try and attack.

Something doesn't have to be vastly superior or better to have more appeal then something else, brands are successful because they market themselves well and connect with their target audience. Nintendo's handhelds themselves have done this for decades against competition with superior hardware and set ups, iPod even did it against MP3 players, this mode of thinking is why you can't grasp the point, Miis don't have to be better then other avatars they just need to seem interesting to appeal to their audience.

It's perfectly rational as I'll give you an example of how powerful appeal is, Fire Emblem, the gameplay and mechanics haven't changed that much over previous games but the approach in Awakening was drastically different. The result is Awakening heavily outsold all the previous games which struggled hard why? Because the appeal was now there for a more people, the gameplay in the series has always been good but the approach was not to everyone's tastes so a different one was utilized in Awakening.