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potato_hamster said:

If you think I moved the goalposts perhaps you should look up what "moving the goalposts" means again. It appears pretty obvious you are mistaken. My point was and still stands that one game selling 5 million 1) is not indicative that Miis are popular and 2) does not indicate that the game is popular because the game featured Miis. That is the point I've made about TL since it was first mentioned, and that is the point I continue to make. No goalposts have been moved.

Ohh yes, because replacing generic avatars that have balls for hands with other generic avatars with fingers absolutely totally changes the appeal of the game the same as replacing an anthropomorphic squirel with a futuristic military solder. Yep, that's totally the same thing. Wait no. Only a  Hardcore Nintendo fanboy would make such a ridiculous argument that the two aren't actually completely different. The cognitive dissonance is very strong in you.

Again. People do not care about Miis the same way people do not care about Sims avatars. If EA make a Sims game with Wii-style avatars and the game play is exactly the same the vast majority of the fans simply will not care, and enjoy it the same. If you changed the art style from a more cartoony style to a more realistic style, the vast majority of fans simply will not care and enjoy it the same. You might care, but you don't represent the average gamer, you're a Hardcore Nintendo fan that seems to pretty firmly believe that Nintendo can do no wrong. Also what does marketing have to do with anything exactly? Nintendo decided to heavily market the fact that you can import Miis into the game? So what? They also marketed the fact that you can import Miis into Smash Bros Wii U and the Wii U version the the worst selling verion yet, so I guess by your flawed logic your point is disproven (Note: I don't actually believe this, I'm just pointing out the glaring holes in your thought process).

See here's the thing about me having to prove you wrong. It's a logical fallacy to expect anyone to prove a negative. You can't prove that we do not live in the matrix. You cannot prove god doesn't exist. I can't prove that Tomodachi Life's success isn't a result of featuring Miis the same way I can't prove Splatoon's success isn't a result of featuring Squid people. You asserted that the success of Tomodachi Life is based on the popularity of Miis, therefore the onus is on you to prove that is true. And this should go without saying, but marketing campaigns are in no way any type of proof that the success of the game has anything to do with the game featuring Miis and not any other type of generic customizable avatar.

Right now you have no point end of, you're just making noise but not saying anything of relevance as seen in your attempt to side step backing your own views, I can comfortably point to the marketing campaigns and the game's concept to shows Miis are a draw but you have failed to highlight why they're not a draw in any shape or form what so ever and instead are post walls of text that repeat already shot down logic. I've even given you an example of you moving goalposts with your laughable attempts at trying to downplay sales despite the fact that 4m sales in any gen is a higher number of sales then the majority of titles.

Again these are things you have no counter in your argument at all to, whats ironic is that you yourself are guilty of your own accusation with your claims that the games didn't sell because of what ever hence why you've resorted to insults, you've not provided an a reason for TL's success and only want to say it's not because of Miis while fuming. Tomodachi Life isn't even the only game of it's type on 3DS hell even the Sims 3 is on 3DS but only TL sold well adding more evidence of the appeal of Miis.

Here's your situation a game built and designed around Miis like it's predecessor, marketed as well with Miis as a main feature in the adverts and marketing campaign and in regards to the type of game it is the are others of the same genre on the platform but on it has sold 4m (more then the others combined) and is a new IP essentially as well. This contradicts you on Miis especially as you were arguing about their lack of appeal for Miitomo yet a new IP which they were the main feature in the marketing says otherwise. it's a tough pill for you to swallow but that's how it is.