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There is one more thing we need to know about this incident. After reading about the law for SRO in SC schools, the officer was actually in the wrong and probably why he got fired. Since this was a non-violent and non-criminal event, the SRO was not suppose to even touch the student. Its made very clear in the SC law for SRO that they are not to touch students if the events are just school policy situations like the one within this classroom.

I knew something was very wrong about the incident and that no way should a SRO do something like that for such a mundane and simple school policy situation. The correct response that the SRO should have done once he entered the room and saw that the girl was not breaking any laws, being quite and not being a threat to anyone in the class was to tell the teacher that this is not a situation that he should be involved in.

Probably the biggest problem I have with this event is the fact that a lot of people were actually in support of what happen. The fact that people would support this type of response and action from a SRO in your public schools even without knowing that he was totally wrong and was the one breaking law is still off the chain crazy.

I believe the brutal part should be placed right back on the title. This was a brutal assault by a SRO on a student in which he was totally in the wrong and probably should be facing criminal charges on this issue. The crazy part is that this SRO already had a nick name Officer Slam before this incident. Its easy to see that he was over stepping this position many times before this video surfaced.