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Basically I view Miitomo as Nintendo putting their foot in the door in regards to the mobile world. It has a simple premise and looks to be popular in the market that Nintendo is aiming this particular game in: Japan. It's also there so people can sign up for their My Nintendo accounts with ease. Making the jump to NX smooth as can be given that it looks like such accounts will encompass the core of NX itself.

Also the stock market is a fickle mistress. The investors are just pissy because Miitomo is going to have little if any impact on this fiscal year. They will more than likely come back if this game proves to be popular enough.

In the end: Miitomo is a great idea. Get people in with something basic and get them involved with having a My Nintendo account (by way of benefits and other goodies) and then have them stick around long term with established IP mobile games later on and even mobile specific new IP.

And before people overreact I'm not saying to put the next "Splatoon-level" breakout on mobile but something basic like Rusty's Baseball or something like that.