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Miitomo is the first investment in the mobile market by Nintendo. But, for the first incursion in a new market, it could be dissapointing to some, and even more if it's delayed. Stock doesn't lie, as it went down for both Nintendo and DeNa the moment they announce the new app and its delay.

The app (not game) can generate mixed feelings. But there's potential. Why? Because Miitomo looks like an expansion of a social network, like Miiverse. They are basically expanding their game universe to mobiles. The main point in this new adventure is to show mobile users that videogames deserves also their attention. Great experiences can be found in videogame devices, not only tablets and smartphones.

It will give us interaction with other people, like other social networks/apps like Facebook or Twitter. But, will be linked to our videogame hobby. We can interact with our 3DS or Wii U friends in way different than only playing games like Splatoon or Mario Kart. We can even meet new players in our city that could never find before.



Unfortunately, not everything is good. To make it a functional app to the mobile market, mobile users needs to interact and play games, but they are not going to buy devices like 3DS and Wii U that are on its way out. Imagine interacting a good new friend and saying: "let's go play some Mario Kart!" and then the response is: "sorry, I don't have a 3DS or Wii U, and I'm not going to buy one".

In cases like that, this app needs it's own simple but adictive games that both of them can play. For example, a Dr. Mario showdown.

Not enough good?
Play this:

On the other hand, let's remember that investors focus on $$$, and so far we don't know exactly how this social app can generate a lot of profits. Games like these examples can be a good revenue stream for this new social app. Not to difficult to develop, and I can keep the interest in people because let's be honest, we are not going to buy a lot of costumes or hats to dress our Miis.


So, what do you think? Is Miitomo a good idea or not? Share your feelings.

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