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- there will be microtransactions (urchase various weapons, tools, and upgrades) "from the outset", but everything can also be bought with in-game currency. The game's lead multiplayer designer Robert Cogburn said:

"Microtransactions will be available at launch, but we'll have no gameplay items that will be gated through microtransactions,"


there seems to be a contradiction here. one says that everything will be unlockable by in game currency. and the second one kinda makes it seems that gameplay items will be unlockable by in game currency, and not all cosmetic items will be.

it would suck if some cosmetic items are just unlockable by microtransactions, but it would be a game breaker or close for me.


if literally everything is unlockable by just playing the game. that would be awesome. 


sad it hear its 900p. i would have prefered it to be 1080p, 30fps, better graphics, more players, better physics.