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dovus said:
mornelithe said:

Well, I think that's simply where you and most people have gone wrong.  Clearly 4chan isn't filled with morons, they're not the ones who are failing to research news pieces before putting them on national news sites.  And the SJW/Stormfront crowds aren't much better.

As far as I know, SJW are "pro-left" trolls, and Stormfront are "pro-right" trolls. Is that true?

No, I actually think SJW's and Stormfront are pretty serious in their ideology.  4chan is like Lulzsec, without the hacking.  They just sit around and come up with ideas to piss all types of people off.  Piss Yourself for Equality was one of theirs.

Mr_No said:

I wanted to go with "assholes" instead of "morons" when refering to 4chan, but I thought that would be deemed as inappropriate. You are right that the news outlet failed to do their thing before posting these "news", but why do people don't see thru this fallacy when the trailer has nothing wrong?

I actually think assholes would be more appropriate, honestly.  They enjoy pissing everyone off, that's rather assholish behavior, imo.  

As far as your question, frankly, I think the ideologues thirst for examples to drive their agenda, and I think News organizations have, for the most part, lost all semblence of integrity and simply post as much flame/troll baity shit as they possibly can, to keep themselves relevant.  Think about it, it's pretty rare these days that a  news org breaks a story, usually if you're at all connected, you learn about the issue long before the national news ever gets hold of it.

News is more about entertainment and profit these days, than it is actually delivering information to the populace.  It's a very serious issue, imo.