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I still haven't seen Gold rush listed anywhere. Premieres November 10. We live in a different time zone...
No more spoilers! lol.

I watched some Minority report, it's not that bad.
Limitless is turning into the next Chuck, it's losing momentum.
How to get away with murder is ramping up.
Heroes reborn is cheesy and puts on the nazi stuff way too thick, yet still entertains.

I watched the rest of Marnie (fell asleep before), ending was as expected, kinda fizzles out.
And I watch Princess bride again, always fun, as a prelude to The congress. Great movie so far (had to go an hour in, more tomorrow hopefully)

Edit: Watched the rest of The congress. 8/10. Great movie, but what a pessimistic outlook on the future. I think I need to talk a walk outside now lol.