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DonnyOnzlo said:
midrange said:

Game performing well =/= Game looking great.

Both things can exist. Unfortunately not the case for this starfox

How much more clear does this have to be? The Wii U is rendering every texture double. Every polygon. It's not just the game on the TV like a normal game.

When SEGA Genesis had 2 player for Sonic 2 it rendered the game twice and kept the same visuals but reduced the framerate a ton. WHen Hyrule Warriors in in mutliplayer with Gamepad it renders the game twice and both visuals and framerate take a hit. The visuals in Starfox are not bad. Just not impressive on it's own, there is a difference. Considering what the hardware is doing it is impressive however.


Besides why does it matter everyone who played it said it plays great. All I care about because I'm not shallow.

I said that the game performs well. Has a solid framerate. However, that does not translate to it looking well. Reducing the gamepad functionality (similar to DK country tropical freeze or mario kart 8), could have been a valid solution to increase in gameplay in functionality.

Having a second screen is not the only way the could have added to the gameplay. Putting that cpu power to render more enemies, teammates, power-ups, on screen action would have really added to the gameplay, because as it stands, starfox zero looks pretty baren.

Also, while people play the game itself, I doubt people will say "given that the game is being rendered on 2 screens at 60 fps, I can accept this game looking bad," instead people will just say "this game looks awful."

The fact that starfox's graphics constantly need to be defended as opposed to those of mario kart, smash bros, and xenoblade chronicles X should really say something about starfox's graphics