It seems Uncharted bundle replaced Last of Us bundle which I think better for Sony.
Halo bundle is doing super well. I don't agree with people who say it is under performing. It is $150 more than the entry for the less popular console. Add to that the most popular console just got a price cut. Yet, it could be the best selling bundle of the month. I don't see any other console exclusive capable of doing this in the US.
What Microsoft and its fans need to worry about is the others bundles. You would think the not so hardcore Halo fans would by other bundle with the game for $399 or $449 (1 TB). We'll see how it goes next week when we get closer and closer to the release day.
Right now, my expectation for the month is 600k PS4 and 400k Xbox One. I know 600k is a lot, but I believe price cut is bigger than any game especially if it let you become the cheapest offering. So, I have to expect more than Destiny month especially since it is October which should have a better performance generally. I would have expected Halo and Xbox to do better than 400k, but I think PS4 will steal some sales.