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Xbox 360 Sales Up 125% In the UK Following GTA IV Launch

Added 05/08/2008 by Justin McBride ShareThis

More statistics ahoy! Fresh from Microsoft are more reports of the Xbox 360's successes following the release of Grand Theft Auto IV, this time, from across the pond. Microsoft claims that, not only has the Xbox 360 version of GTA IV has outsold the PS3 version by 20% (514,000 versus 413,000, respectively), but sales of the Xbox 360 console itself have jumped by 125% and initial reports from across Europe have reflected similar performance.


"Grand Theft Auto IV has done phenomenally well this week with Xbox 360 version outselling PS3 in our stores," said Gerry Berkley, Trading Manager at Woolworths. "Xbox 360 console sales have seen a big uplift off the back of Grand Theft Auto IV launching. It's clear our customers see Xbox 360 as a great console for this incredible game."


- via Gamedaily


We imagine there's nothing but smiles in Microsoft's camp as the Xbox 360 continues to ride the wave of GTA IV's unprecedented success and they remain optimistic, predicting the Xbox 360 will continue to enjoy a successful sales run, especially considering the exclusive downloadable content set to appear on the system this fall.

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