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Immersiveunreality said:

 (1) If lets say it goes through for xbox and it gets cloudpowered games what i highly doubt since that would be marketing insanety,would you really think there will be a high difference in quality between the cloud powered and the non cloud powered versions of a game?

(2)These companys want to make money so giving a big part of their OWN consumerbase a game thats a lot less good or blocking games would be very weird if they consider their future financial state.Expect some small graphical enchanchements but no big changes between games.

(3)Xboxone tried to bring in the cloud at the launch of this gen and considering how everyone reacted it strange how its now defended so much.

(4)The difference between cloud computing and  a game that is online multiplayer is very clear,a single player game doesnt need to be always connected to play it .

I'm not quite sure what your point is with a few of your sentences so I apologise in advance if I miss what you are trying to say

(1) The games will not improve much graphically from what I can tell but it will do wonders for other aspects. Did you see the Crackdown demo? The destruction on that is insane.

(2) If your game can run both with or without cloud computing, then you still have access to the game without cloud computing. Nothing is being taken away from you. If they keep the cloud computing to online multiplayer mode only (like Crackdown) then you have to have internet anyway to play online. If the castrate the game on purpose to push cloud computing (not sure why, the publishers do no gain anything from internet fees) then there would be more of a backlash than anything they could hope to gain. Underlined parts contradict each other.

(3) Simply not true. Cloud was never meant for launch but rather a showcase of what they want to achieve. It was never given a time frame. And no, everyone didn't react bad to it. If you are referring to me then I've always been interested what cloud computing can do. If you talking about the mobs of people that slated the cloud, some still do, some have changed their mind with what's been shown and some just keep quite about it after seeing good evidence that cloud computing is real and can work great. People are allowed to change their mind.

(4) A cloud computing only game and a online only multiplayer game both need a connection to work. If you don't pay for live or internet you just avoid these games. If a game uses cloud computing to enhance the game, but still have a good functioning game without connection and cloud computing, what's the deal. If the cloud computing is for online mod only and takes away the online aspect if you don't have a connection, then 95% of the games out there take something away from you if you don't have a connection.