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Immersiveunreality said:
Immersiveunreality said:
Cloud computing can do great things. I hate people that try and downplay it. It's like hearing the "PS4 has no gamez" quote over and over again. I don't think many studios will use it other that MS's 1st party studios but we should see some great things.

BTW this isn't exclusive to MS, PC and X1. PS4 is more than capable to also do this. I wouldn't be surprised if Sony is looking to do this with their Gaikai company right now.

Im sure most of us agree it can do great things, but its the DRM and what it can lead to that upsets some of us.

Its the fear of getting taken away some of our gaming freedom.

What's the big deal with DRM? If it's the type of DRM that renders you physical copy of a game useless, then yes be upset about it.

How does this upset people? Because internet is required to do it?

I do not want to speak for everyone but a game i pay 60 euros for should make me able to play that game without other paywalls blocking it,even if almost everyone has internet. It doesnt make much sense either to buy a bread for the ability to pay to be able to eat it.(Srry if that is a weak comparison )

That's just a weak argument I feel. What's the difference between cloud computing and a game that is online multiplayer only. You buy a games suited to you, so if you don't have interent, you don't buy a cloud computing game.

Cloud computing pushes games further and the industry shouldn't be held back just because a few people want to bitch that they don't want to pay for interent fees just incase they buy it.