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You are being to paranoid about me Zero, but you already voted for me so there is nothing I can do. Yeah I saw the call, it was made 8 hours ago, and I responded 5 hours after, not inmediately because I saw that post after I went to school. I decided to post because as outlawauron said me and other members haven´t been posting to help the town (he did not claimed we were his main suspects, so my theory is not "pretty much what Outlawauron said but with my name removed") mainly because I forgot this thread existed (sorry). I came up with my theory because out of all the names called, Mr. and Axum did not showed up, I included platina but I think I made a mistake with him. Anyways I already said why I think Mr. and Axum are main suspects so If I end up lynched by the end of the day look for them. I´ll vote for one of them but I´m still unsure for who. I was hoping you could help me decided but that  is not going to happen so I guess I´ll discuss my theory with other members.