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spemanig said:
Soundwave said:

I don't think Nintendo has interest in making an Uncharted/Halo style game.

Though to specifically address this point, I first want to say that I brought up those games specifically to examplify the common audience they have. I don't think its accurate at all to say that Nintendo is disinterested in applealing to this audience. I just think that Nintendo has believed that it could appeal to this audience without putting in the effort through third party games.

I used Pirates of the Carribian as a better example. I think Nintendo will want to start making more deliberate steps in appealing to more audiences internally than they have been thus far. The audience that buys those games is the most dominant in the industry, and there's no way Nintendo doesn't look at that and earnestly want in on that.

Will that desire manifest itself in the kind of Retro game I'm describing? Who knows? I didn't bring it up because it's likely. I brought it up because it would be a very intelligent use of their talent. On that would be more beneficial for the NX than DKRR because the sales of that would be mostly new people, where as the sales from a new DKR would mostly be from the kinds of people Nintendo already appeals to. Would it make money? Absolutely. It would sell a ton of software, but a new IP like I'm describing would not only sell its own software, but more hardware as well as third party software on the NX that overlaps with the tastes of games like that.

Someone who bought Retro-charted for the NX is infinitely more likely to buy COD, AssCreed, etc on it than someone who bought the NX for DKR. That difference is super valuable and something I think Retro could do. And I think it's in Nintendo's best intrest to let them. I think the possibility's high for Retro to be making a new IP. They've earned that. I just don't know what kind of IP that would be. It could be a maskot platformer or it could be what I'm describing. It could be anything.

I don't think Nintendo can compete with Sony/MS. Even if they have "one" game like this, those other platforms get that type of game every month (literally) and sometimes several times a month. 

It's just not in Nintendo's wheelhouse and their previous attempts at "diversity" have largely failed because of this ... Bayonetta on Wii U, Resident Evil on GameCube, the Metroid Prime series in general (sold OK, but nowhere close to the big Sony/MS IPs like Halo or Uncharted). People don't buy a system just because a platform has one game in the style they like, for Sony/MS 95% of their marketing, 1st/2nd party releases, etc. is for people who like games like Uncharted, Halo, COD, Destiny, etc. 

For Nintendo it's the inverse basically, go to right now and look at their game roster, it looks like something from a elementary school storybook (not saying that those games aren't fun or can't be enjoyed/apperciated by adults). It's just very, very different with the occassional Xenoblade throw in once in a blue moon for "diversity" sake. 

It would be like Sony saying they want to make a new Pokemon. They just don't have the demographics for that type of franchise. 

Maybe they would be smart to try and change it, but I doubt it. If anything Nintendo is more sugary-sweet and cartoon mascot oriented today than they were even in the 1990s. 

And you know what? Maybe that's ok. If Sony/MS are going to focus 95% of their energy on violent action/adventure games mixed in with some sports sims and nothing but, maybe Nintendo's role is to act as the "family console". It's a shame that that type of device doesn't have a huge market these days, but it's probably Nintendo's place to do it.