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GribbleGrunger said:
UltimateGamer1982 said:

Their answer was supposed to the the halo 5 bundle and other 5 or 6 bundles they announced last week. And no, I do expect Microsoft to drop the price again, not the extreme of last year, but definitely a nice incentive. 


I keep thinking Microsoft will announce a killer halo bundle with 5 and the mcc included for free, and a year of xbl for $299-329 around black Friday. And probably extend a holiday "promotion" to all existing bundles as well. 


I think the main problem here is that some people come to this thread, read what PS4 owners are saying and think we assume the PS4 will obliterate the XB1 this Christmas. That's not what my intent has been and I don't think it's what other people's intent has been either. Last year MS closed the gap by 700k but this year the PS4 is definitely not going to lose ground by that much. There is even a chance that the PS4 could take Christmas and 'gain' ground, but I haven't really given that much thought really. I'll wait until late November before I start giving that much thought.

Exactly. I'm not that crazy to call Microsoft out of the game with nearly 3 months to go of possible sales and whatever else. They will fight hard believe me. But I do feel better about ps4's chances this year than last.