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Sharpryno said:
I support digital. Mainly because Steam is the best service for gamers out there and used games sales do nothing but hurt devs and there are a massive amount of cheapskates out there that will wait for the game to be $20 or less at gamestop before buying.

I despise digital. Have you stopped to consider that these "cheapskates" you so brazenly call out may simply not have the same level of disposable income that you might? And please, stop with the " used games hurt Developers" nonsense already. It's an old, tired argument that is just ridiculous. I assume you are a fan of getting less for your money? Do you not like to "own" the games you buy? You do realize that some of these "poor" developers make BILLIONS of dollars right? But somehow we have the sad, uninformed brainwashed gamers out there who think they should make even more! You realize that the new releases carry the same price tag for both digital and physical so, are you some kind of sucker? And another thing, if Nintendo goes all digital, it's bye bye Nintendo....the backlash Microsoft got over their greedy initial plan was swift and forced them to rethink the digital strategy altogether. 

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