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Alright next up is a pair I am really embarrased not to originally add, because their game was phenominal


Kachi and Isa from Sin & Punishment: Star Successor!

Let me just stress how much I love this game: This is the type of game on the Wii I was hoping for. This is one of its best game and set an ultimate standard for motion controls. It made me realize shooters with motion controls were perfect long before Splatoon (I know its not the same type, but I thought it would translate well at the time)

In any case, their isn't much to their moves in the game, but with tweaking it could be stretched out. With that being said, Saki, Isa's father and the protagonist of the prequel, is an asist trophy. That might cause a damper in them coming. However, Kachi has a different variants of moves than Isa and was the villan of the previous game known as Achi. So she would be a more viable contender than Isa because she can draw fromt the prequel too.

(Unreleated the story makes sense, but it really doesn't :P)

Ultimately with Kachi being the stronger of the two, I'd say debatable