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XanderXT said:
Dravenet7 said:

I looked through the thread for another character and I was glad to be see there was one left. (Though I doubt I can think of/find any more)


He's the estranged son of one of the most cunning and overpowered vampire who for the longest time controls the world for the longest time.

He's unlike his father, and is much more in line with his father's rival's long linege of descendants.


That's right Giorgio!

get cause Dio = Dracula; Giorgio =


I will say that I haven't been into the Castlevannia franchise. In fact, I doubt I will enjoy that much. However, there was a time I was really into reading up on it (mainly because of JoJo).

He's really different in terms of playstyles to the Belmonts and is always supporting them in stopping Dracula. In fact, he's sealed him himself iirc.

Nevertheless, I have to say he's controversial/unlikely for 2 reasons.

1. The Belmont family would have an easier push for the game. Though one could debate this because Alucard has spanned the timeline more as an individual

2. Now I messed this up and forgot this pount this in particular, because I was so out of it that day when discussing Simon, but Konami is a barrier that conflicts with many of their IP's 

In a non-canon Castlevanina game, the Belmonts were Alucard's descendants.

That's part of the reason I didn't mention that :P