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potato_hamster said:
Soundwave said:

And if the Vita had Monster Hunter, and Mario Kart, and Pokemon, and Animal Crossing, and Mario 3D Land, and Zelda ... might be a different story. Just maybe. 

By this logic Nintendo shouldn't even make a home console again ever, since the Wii U is actually selling the same as the Vita is worldwide. 

Ohh right! Because Uncharted, Assassin's Creed, Call of Duty, LittleBigPlanet, Persona, Final Fantasy, Minecraft, or Need For Speed definitely aren't system sellers! Those games sell like gangbusters on every platform they've been on, but not the Vita. Why is that? Maybe because people don't want console-like extended play sessions when they only have 15-30 minutes at a time to get their game on. The problem with the Vita wasn't the games. It was the experience. It was the fact that it launched for $299, and still costs $199. People simply do not want to spend that much on portable game consoles.

It launched at $250. The same price as the PSP that sold very well (better than the DS actually) out of the gates just a few year prior. 

The problem with the Vita concept is this ... they "promise" console quality experiences, but for 2011, those games are not console quality. Assassin's Creed is a very obvious (2-3 steps) below, Call of Duty is nothing like the console versions, Final Fantasy is a remake of the PS2 game, etc. 

A 30 GFLOP system is not going to be able to run engines made for a 240 GFLOP system. 

Today though mobile tech has improved to the point where that promise could actually have some real merit behind it. 

Lets be honest too Sony has always treated their handheld line like a "kid brother" to the "real" Playstation consoles. Nintendo shifted focus away from that with the DS, today they put as much care/effort into their 3DS games as they do with Wii U. The 3DS is a console for Nintendo. Vita is a little side-project for Sony that they don't take seriously. 

Mario Kart 7, Animal Crossing, Kid Icarus, etc. are not "spin-offs" or bite size experiences, they are the full new installments of those franchises, Sony would not make Uncharted 4 a Vita game, Nintendo probably would.