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Robert_Downey_Jr. said:
DraconianAC said:
From a perspective of an non-fan of the fantastic 4, and being asked to watch this from a friend, I will say that I went in with low expectations, and I found it entertaining.. I don't remember the origin story all that well and I have no attachment to any of the characters. I do remember a little bit of the last two movies, and I'll say those felt pretty lame after watching them on cable; hence, I all I can say is that going in with low expectations to anything will probably net you an entertaining time.

I can't let this go.  You have to REALLY low standards.  I'm fine with changing source material (IM3 and AoU are AWESOME!) but this was a boring lab test centric movie with no fun or soul.  It's just a terribly directed, acted, and written film.

Haha! that's funny, because I actually thought I was going to hate it, but I found it was a better setup then the previous version that was done a few years back. Granted that one has to just turn off one's brain (not question the logic) for most of these hollywood super hero movies.