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potato_hamster said:
zorg1000 said:

First we have to address why u believe the various forms factors will have significantly different hardware and control schemes? Also I remember a recent thread where u were going on about all the same stuff u just wrote then another developer came along, proved u wrong and u backtracked on many of ur statements and agreed with him that such a setup would help on many issues. I'm not going to go back and find the thread/posts buy u know exactly what I'm talking about.

You can try to find it if you want. I certainly wasn't proven wrong, and I hardly call what I said "backtracking" as much as I was clarifying that while it may be possible to develop tools to make some parts of the development more streamlined (which I might have slightly overlooked), it would still at the end of the day be more expensive to develop a game for the NX platform than it would be to develop a game on the PS4 or Xbox One.

Western devs aren't going to support Nintendo strongly no matter what, the only thing that will happen in your scenario is Nintendo stuck having to make seperate games for two seperate platforms and they will predictably choke and die trying to do so, because no developer on the planet can support two pieces of hardware on their own with increasing visual complexity. 

The bus for "lets kiss and make up" between Nintendo and Western developers left a long time ago and it ain't coming back. Western developers don't need Nintendo, and the console NX no matter what won't have anywhere close to the userbase of PS4/XB1 by virtue of the 3-4 year headstart no matter what it does, so at best it will be what? Treated like the third wheel.