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  • Sony decided to gouge customers by forcing them to use proprietary memory cards, then jacking up the prices to obscene levels. (A 32GB Vita memory card retails for $100; standard 32GB SDHC memory cards cost $18.) - people that want to blame the failure of the Vita solely on Sony love to give this as a reason. Price was never the issue for the Vita, just like with the Wii U it's nothing but a scapegoat. You can get a Vita TV for $40 nowadays, the thing still sells like crap.
  • Sony marketed the Vita as a portable system with “console-quality gaming,” then went on to pack it with shoddy spinoffs like Uncharted: Golden Abyss, Call of Duty: Declassified, and Resistance: Burning Skies. - the problem here is that they marketed and designed the system as a portable system for console-quality gaming at all, not how much they delivered on that concept. It's simply an idea that not many people care for when playing on the go and at home they'd rather do their console-quality gaming on a big screen.
  • Despite all this, a subset of hardcore gamers quickly realized that the Vita was a fantastic machine for indies and niche Japanese games. So what did Sony do? They decided to pivot it as a portable accessory to the PS4—as if anyone would dish out an extra $250 to play Destiny on the toilet. - looks like he's already running out of arguments. What did he expect? Sony to market the system as an indie/japanese game machine? Lol as if that would have sold more systems. The Vita is still getting those japanese and indie games, so his whole point is completely flimsy.
  • Vita owners also realized that the machine is fantastic for playing old PS1 and PSP games. Sony saw how much money they could make there, and they immediately filled out the PlayStation Store, pleasing fans with truckloads of classic new games every week. Just kidding. They ignored it. Even today you need to use a silly shortcut just to get some old games working on your Vita. - would have made them money, would have not saved the system. Just like BC isn't going to make X1 sales skyrocket.
  • Remember the PS2? One of the most successful video game consoles in history? Chock full of great games that could be ported to the Vita in various ways? Someone should remind Sony. - same as above, someone should remind the author what he's actually trying to argue here.
  • Remember BioShock Vita? lmao - he thinks that would have saved the Vita? I don't even.
  • Sony has pretty much spent the past two years pretending the Vita doesn’t exist, ignoring it at every major trade show and convention. It’s embarrassing. - they realized the system wasn't working and focused their energy on the places where they could actually find success, it's called business.
  • Sony has publicly admitted that they are no longer making Vita games. - same as above

So yeah I pretty much entirely disagree with the author.