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Is there really even a point in Nintendo trying to compete with Sony/MS? If there was just one of them, maybe, but two of them makes it virtually impossible and Nintendo really hasn't been able to compete for that market for a long time.

Even with the Wii, the increase came from the pre-smartphone casual gaming boom, not from taking away the types of people who like to play shooters, sports, driving, action adventure games, etc. from the PS/XBox audience, because the PS3/360 sold 170+ million combined, which is the same as the PS2-XBox more or less. So there was no decline to Sony or MS' audience even despite the Wii.

Nintendo is too associated with family gaming to compete with Sony/MS. And they can't disassociate from that because it's their main pillar ... Disney-style syrupy sweet mascot character games, which will always get Nintendo labelled as the "kids console" by comparison to Sony/MS who market/target almost exclusively teenagers and college-aged men. 

And on top of that it'll be 3-4 years late meaning it has really no chance of being anything but a (distant) third place console for the duration of the remaining generation before its thunder is stolen by the XB2/PS5. Third parties will treat it in the same way as the Wii U, where they make the PS4/XB1 multiplats a priority because of the sheer install base/proven buyer base, and some like Rockstar (GTA VI) probably won't even bother with the NX. 

I mean if they're going to really go balls to the wall with the Apple philosophy of having many different levels of hardware, then sure OK, maybe one of them can be a 1.2-2 TFLOP megaconsole with a HDD and all that then it doesn't matter so much if it doesn't do so great because it's just one of many hardware components. But if that isn't going to be the approach and the console is tasked with carrying half the water of the NX equation, that's going to be very, very difficult.