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IMPORTANT: Most of what I talk about is the possibilities and circumstances of any of them coming, rather than the actual game because I have not played the series


Alright next up is the Etrian Odyssey Crew!

I don't know what to make of these guys as I haven't played the series myself. And I always find it harder to look into JRPG's. But here's what I can say

Starting in its DS origins, Etrian Odyssey has been exclusive to Nintendo handhelds and developed by Atlus. Over time, I have seen Atlus's relationship with Nintendo grow a lot.

In addition to these games, Persona Q is a spinoff game exclusive to Nintendo in the vein of Etrian Odssey's gameplay.

Additionally they are the same guys developing SMT#FE. So relationship-wise, its clear to me that its a perfect fit.

Again I haven't played the games, but if I had to with any characters, it'll probably be these two:

Particularly the guy. Why? Something tells me they are the main characters of the latest remake with the guy being the brunt of the story in the plot and the girl being the catalyst meant to end the actual plot. 

*That being said, Arianna (the princess in EOU2: The Fafnir Knight) gets a lot more praise from people who have actually played the series to go to Smash. Her soverign class would add add a very unique moveset to the game.

Though again I don't know the series very well. I can't even think up a joke for the poll.

I'll go with pretty reasonable on this.  I'd be suprised but have no qualms if they got in honestly.

EDIT: The version I have shown was apparently a spinoff, so I hope I haven't misrepresented the series