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Very for sorry the delay! I was about to send it and my computer crashed. it wouldn't work for 45 minutes. I would have done it via mobile. But there was to much I felt need to be said and it would have been longer to do.


Alright up next is Toad/Toadette!

Hear me out on this one.

When I was a kid, I use to hate Toad for various, unconnected reasons. Now he just has my indifference in general.

That being said, I was very befuddled by that huge support for Toad/ette. I had nothing against the character, but sometimes I felt I was looking at this:

And everyone else was looking at this:

Toad/ette didn't have a strong enough moveset in my eyes.  It was also very limited.

Hoever, much like Bandana Dee, after some time thinking about it, I realized that Toad/ette had potential. Unlike Bandana Dee, it was due to his lack of moves.

Why? Because Toad/ette has the wild card CTTT and the Mario spinoffs. A Kart like Wario's bike, vegetables, and a pickaxe. His B could be like Villager's except he doesn't throw it back, but converts to the previously mentioned items. And when it gets full Toad/ette can't jump like in CTTT. It goes on and on. 

(I wish I made a moveset thread ever since the inklings because I have a huge one for them too, but considering the timing of it all and this thread, I decided not to :/ ).

With that all said, I would put Toad/ette in pretty reasonable, except for the glaring problem of Princess Peach's B.

Perhaps Sakurai would go with Captain Toad and Toadette

but honestly it seems unlikely.