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Next up in the poll is Tails/Knuckles





Ultimately I put them together because there wasn't more time to add more characters, and simply saying another Sonic character might lead to some tricky results such as asumming Shadow, an assist trophy, would be in there.

In any case, please go by the either or both.

For me, I love Tails. Absolutely love the character. Knuckles is pretty great, but for me Tails has hold of more of my fonder gaming memories. Tails adventure, for example, was fantastic (and I want a sequel or remake) and the Sonic Advance Series treated them both well.

Sonic Battle gives them a really easy moveset to work with. I'm sort of suprised Sakurai never dipped in their for Sonic's moves.

In any case, while I really want at least one of them in (more Tails then Knuckles tbh), I have to go with controversial/unlikely. To get 2 third party characters from the same developer seemed ridiculous, and the same franchise seemed even more beyond belief. However Capcom got Ryu in, so its not impossible by any means. Still again, even though Sega and Nintendo have a strong working relationship, especially around Sonic, I have to go with unlikely for either.


NOTE: Also was going to do a poll with P. Layton and P. Wright together due to time, but since they come from different devs, I wanted to know if anyone wanted to seperate them or if its fine if they were together.