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Sora would be cool.
And I don't really mind if the main Kingdom Hearts games are on Sony platforms.
Seeing as how we had Solid Snake from Metal Gear Solid in at one point.
And besides Nintendo has a much better working relationship with Square Enix than they do with Konami.
So anyways, Sora.
He'd make a legitimately good fighter.
He'd be mostly like Robin, but with less focus on magic and more on combat. His Final Smash would be similar to Shulk's where he could call for Donald and Goofy, (or Riku and Kairi. In case Disney and Nintendo are butting heads)
If Sora got in, I'd welcome him with open arms. He'd fit right in!
Although admittedly he wouldn't be my first choice from Kingdom Hearts. I'd go with King Mickey just so we'd finally be able to see Mario and Mickey go one on one at long last.