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Soundwave said:

The Wii U did about 15 things wrong. 

But I would say the basic crux of it is this -- you cannot sell a console based on a controller gimmick if the controller gimmick isn't *extremely* exciting.

It's like saying you want to be a model when you're not good looking. That's a strategy that gets you nowhere. 

Nintendo's whole philosophy of "we'll just sell underpowered last gen hardware, but people will buy it because of a controller" was really bound to eventually blow up in their face. It was just a matter of time, no company (not even Apple) can pull a miracle out of their rear end every 5-6 years. 

They could advertise the system all they want ... it doesn't change the fact that the controller simply is not very interesting and if your business model was that you were going to somehow come up with a new miracle controller input every 5-6 years to sustain your business, then you were predestined to fail no matter what. 

Again like above if you want to be a model, then you're basically basing your entire career on your looks, so damn well better be good looking. If you're trying to sell your weaker console on the benefits of a controller, then your controller damn well better make people go "holy shit that is amazing" when they first see it. 

I agree with you. I think Nintendo is smart to sell underpowered systems but those underpowered systems need to be significantly cheaper. The next Nintendo platform should be x86 and cost 200$ at launch. The core Nintendo base will buy the console no matter what and I think a cheap price will move tons of units. I do not think they can compete with Playstation and Xbox without being significantly cheaper