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Mnementh said:
DerNebel said:

The point wasn't to include smartphones into handhelds, the point was to either include all devices that people game on in the discussion about who is the "king" in a gaming market, or seperate all of them in the normally used groups (and no vgchartz is not the only place that makes this distinction, other places do it too and when console makers talk about console marketshare they are also making the distinction between handheld and console) of dedicated handhelds, consoles (+ PC) and smart devices. But the person that I had this discussion with wanted to desperately make Nintendo the king of the japanese gaming market (in a reply to someone clearly talking about consoles), so he decided that handhelds and consoles had to be put together, but that smartphones didn't count.

So this whole thing had nothing to with "Sony-fans being defensive".

Well, you still don't see my point. If you say handhelds aren't consoles, but differentiate between handhelds and smartphones (as you seemingly do), nothing changes if you say handhelds are also consoles. The differentiation to smartphones still works. It just doesn't matter. So bringing up smartphones is just not helpful at all. If we discuss if handhelds are consoles too it doesn't change anything in the relation of smartphones to the two. If you say smartphones aren't counted as consoles ONLY because they don't plug into a TV, then you currently demand that VGC has on the main site iphones and android next to 3DS and Vita.

And to your discussion with one Nintendo fan - you said before: "I've seen it argued a couple times by Nintendo fans". So you make this a Nintendo-Sony issue while in reality it is only a Kurt issue (assuming your Nintendo fan is called Kurt). You shouldn't have brought up Nintendo and Sony at all (as you shouldn't have brought up smartphones). This type of generalization is made fun of in this comic:

What? I'm not saying any of that, especially not the bolded.

I'm saying that you shouldn't arbritrarily count different gaming groups together while excluding others. Either look at all groups in one big picture, or look at every group seperately. And I wasn't even talking about hardware sales but about the value of the gaming market on each platform.

Also I'm not making this a Sony-Nintendo issue, I'm simply stating that I've seen this mentioned before by a couple Nintendo fans, one of which I've then had a longer discussion on the topic with. I'm not saying every Nintendo fan sees it this way, in fact I'm pretty sure the majority of them make the handheld/console distinction as well, but as it stands I've at this point seen this mentioned by Nintendo fans a couple times, which is what I said.