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Scisca said:
Samus Aran said:
Soundwave said:
Sony had losses but they still sold an incredible number of PS3s considering they started at $600 freaking dollars.

That just shows how dominant they are in the console business, it's like an athlete still being able to play a good game while playing on one leg or something.

Since Sony doesn't give me any of their money either, why the hell should I care if they took losses or not? They still were very clearly able to come out of that generation and are now able to market/sell the PS4 ... so much so that they're whupping Nintendo and MS again like they have for about 16/20 years (80% of the time).

Because we're having a debate whether the PS3 was a failure or not for Sony. It was.

As for them still selling a lot of consoles when they started at $600, well that says more about the people who purchased it at that price than their product.

According to your logic GC was a massive success because it led Nintendo to dominate next-gen.

Oh and Nintendo beat Sony with the PSP, PS3 and PS Vita. Sony beat Nintendo with the PS1, PS2 and PS4. That's 50% of the time...

It's questionable. I disagree that we can consider PS3 a failure. It wasn't a runaway success, but it wasn't a tragedy in the end either. Plus it was an extremely valuable lesson, that they've taken to heart and it shows with PS4 - and that's priceless.

Nintendo didn't dominate last gen, not even close. 100 mil vs approx. 90 mil vs. approx. 85 mil and least sold software can't be considered domination by any strech. They won, but didn't dominate and the victory came at a huge price that they are paying right now. 3DS is the only Nintendo console that's dominating a Sony console - Sony messed up and gave up. DS was a decisive victory, but not a domination either.

PSX, PS2 were and PS4 is dominating the market.

All in all, these are the two great juggernaughts of the industry, but Sony is undeniably the dominant one ever since it entered the market.

Selling 70 million extra consoles isn't domination? Lol! I guess PS1 didn't dominate either then.

Oh and Nintendo sold by far the most software last-gen, they dominated. Nintendo is a software company foremost. Much higher profit margins on first party software than third party royalties.