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As the title suggests, EU psn getting some much needed love with a retro sale of titles across the PS3, PSP and Vita.!/en-ie/playstation-retro/cid=STORE-MSF75508-RETROGAMES?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term={keyword}&utm_campaign=PX+-+PlayStation+-+Brand+-+Ireland&EMCID=GM300000_store

I didn't get to dig too much into it yet myself but if there was any older psone games you were considering like Suikoden 1/2, Crash Bandicoot (whole series and racer) or CastleVania SOTN now is definitely a time to pick up some classics cheaply.


EU love from PSN!


Edit - Seriously... there is 123 reductions for vita playable games, Sony has no respect for my wallet.

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