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Soundwave said:
Miyamotoo said:

Actually Nintendo is making money on Wii U on hardware itself from last year, not to mention software. But that doesn't mean that Nintendo is satisfied with Wii U sales and profit and that they will not release new hardware next year.

We actually don't know this for a fact, people have mistranslated and misconstrued this statement greatly. It probably is by now (one would hope a nearly 4 year old piece of tech is profitable), but we don't know for sure. 

In any case, Nintendo is in a bad position here either way. 2016 launch is still quite late, but 2017 would be ridiculously late. Like with a 2017 release, what exactly is it supposed to be competing with? PS4/XB1? No chance, the lead those systems will have will be way too large. PS5/XB2 then? Are they willing to skip to such high end tech when they can barely support an XB360/PS3 level system right now?

Neither is a good situation. They're likely walking into a slaughter against the PS4 on the console side, which they're probably used to by now, but its compuonded by a not good situation with with the 3DS. 

The 3DS ... I mean why does not get any attention? The 3DS is the only hardware Nintendo has that's selling half way decent, but it's not going to make it until 2017 without slumping to incredibly low levels (you're probably talking sub-5 million shipments, which would be the lowest handheld shipment in Nintendo's history). 

Nintendo is in a very bad spot here honestly, the fuck ups with the Wii U and the decline of the traditional handheld market has put them in a bad position now. 

If we look at how many people owned consoles last gen, just per system we see the lowest sales are still around the 80 million mark, and most of those sales for PS3 were made in the last 3 years of its life cycle. I don't see how with a big enough launch it couldn't at least easily surpass 20 million, and with the right innovation much much more.