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Alright next up is the character that started from the bottom... and continued digging.


Shovel Knight!

Honestly, the game was fun. Very fun. It was one of the Kickstarters that did it right helped help give more attention to the fact that there are quality indies out there. Earlier, I said that indie games were debatable in Smash, but honestly I feel as though if the quality is there and the game works *cough* it shouldn't matter how much was spent on advertisment and voice actors and such.

For Shovel Knight specifically, I'm in between pretty reasonable and debatable. Great character, great game, great possibliities for a balanced moveset. He also has his own amiibo. That being said he's relatively new. You know what? I'm going pretty reasonable. He still has left a impact in gaming currently in my opinion. Whether that turns out to be major or minor down the line, only time will tell.


What do you think?