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Miyamotoo said:
bigtakilla said:

Constant talk? You mean a mention of it in an investors meeting, and then talking to various gaming websites that them saying anything about a new console means "Nintendo's ditching the Wii U" is simply not true is not really constantly talking about the new console. We still can't even decide as a whole if it is a handheld or home console. 

I dont saying they ditching Wii U, because they said "NX isn't simply replacement for Wii U/3DS", but I saying we are getting new hardware next year.

This are Nintendo talks about NX just from this year:

I will not share details on NX today but with regard to the launch of Nintendo 3DS and Wii U not necessarily having progressed well and not acquiring sufficient support from software publishers, we intend to offer NX through a Nintendo-like solution. Thank you for understanding that we are making various considerations and preparations in order to avoid what happened with the previous generations.

Nintendo is collaborating with various software publishers. At E3, which was held in the U.S. and is the largest trade show in the video game industry, we received many proposals for joint initiatives. In addition, Japanese software publishers have close relationships with our licensing department on a regular basis. As for collaborations with software publishers or their games, please consider that there are various ongoing projects below the surface."

What we are always striving to do is to find a way to take novel technology that we can take and offer it to people at a price that everybody can afford. And in addition to that, rather than going after the high-end tech spec race and trying to create the most powerful console, really what we want to do is try to find a console that has the best balance of features with the best interface that anyone can use.

And the reason for that is that, No. 1, we like to do things that are unique and different from other companies, but we also don't want to just end up in a race to have the highest-tech specs in a competition to try to find how we get these expensive tech specs to the lowest price of the other systems. And so there's different ways that we can approach it, and sometimes we look at it just from the sense of offering a system that consumes less power and makes less noise and generates less heat, or sometimes we may look at the size of the media and the size of the system and where it fits within the home.

But really what's most important to us is, how do we create a system that is both unique and affordable so that everyone can afford it and everyone can enjoy it.

What I think is unique about Nintendo is we're constantly trying to do unique and different things. Sometimes they work, and sometimes they're not as big of a hit as we would like to hope. After Wii U, we're hoping that next time it will be a very big hit.

Miyamoto: “I’ve pulled myself back out of some of the hardware section and I’m really focused on some of the software that I’m involved in—for example, the new Starfox game,” he says. “Of course I am observing and looking at the hardware, but I am not actively participating and making decisions.”

When it comes to how dedicated game systems are being played, the situations have become rather different, especially between Japan and overseas. Since we are always thinking about how to create a new platform that will be accepted by as many people around the world as possible, we would like to offer to them "a dedicated video game platform with a brand new concept" by taking into consideration various factors, including the playing environments that differ by country.

If you only expand upon existing hardware, it's dull. In some shape or form, we're always thinking about how we want to surprise players as well as our desire to change each person's video gaming life.

Because we are calling it a 'new concept', we are not thinking of this as a 'simple replacement' for the 3DS or the Wii U.

Nintendo, together with DeNA, will jointly develop a new membership service which encompasses the existing Nintendo 3DS and Wii U systems, the new hardware system with a brand-new concept, NX, and smart devices and PCs, and Nintendo will be the primary party to operate this new membership service.

Yeah, it seems to me like a whole lot of talk about nothing. PR speak that could mean different things to everyone that reads it. I really don't see how this is them constantly talking about the product. These are also usually replies to gaming outlets trying to get some information and asking Nintendo directly about the NX, and not Nintendo coming out and publicly speaking about the product on their own. Huge difference.