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Bofferbrauer said:
KLXVER said:

Ding Ding Ding! I think we have a winner!

Ain't Pokken Tournament and Pikmin 4 releasing in that Timeframe?

Also, I just think it's because Nintendo is one of the very few videogame companies that take quality control seriously. I can't remember any Nintendo game being a bugfest. And delaying one of their biggest holiday titles to 2016 just shows they actually have the balls to push back a game to make sure it will be great at release. I wish EA/Activision/Ubisoft/any other publisher, really had these balls too instead of christmas-rushing bugfests every single year.

Anyway, the 2016 lineup is shaping up pretty good that way too. Starfox, Pikmin 4, Pokken Tournament, Zelda Wii U, SMTxFE (in the west), those are pretty big titles already. Along with yet unannounced games, this could actually become a great year for the Wii U.

Is there any information at all that says Pikmin 4 is coming to the WiiU or are you just guessing since Miyamoto said that its almost done?