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So I scoured the living hell out of a few Bloodborne pages, and my verdict is that I have absolutely no idea if that page is official or not. I mean, official pages can be verified and marked as such by Facebook, but there are no Bloodborne pages marked that way. As well, I tried looking at the page everyone is saying is official, and I guess I could see why they think that. At the same time, it could just be a random person running a Bloodborne page pulling information from elsewhere. It isn't hard to do that.

Either way, whether or not Bloodborne 2 was going to be made is fairly irrelevant. We all knew it was going to be made. At the same time, I doubt it would be in development right now unless they have the B team on it, which I don't think anybody would really appreciate after the mixed reception of Dark Souls 2 compared to Dark Souls. I would expect active development to start sometime after Dark Souls 3 launches.

I mean, c'mon. Does anybody really think they've been focused on Dark Souls 3, the Bloodborne DLC, and Bloodborne 2 all at the same time? That's enough to stretch a studio of From Software's size pretty freakin' thin.