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Oh! Veknoid posted all kinds of things and we all ignored it like a bunch of douches. I like that LoZ Link figure.

I finally finished Majora's Mask 3D. Took my sweet time, but because I already had beaten it four times before (twice on N64, twice on GC), I wasn't exactly dying to know what happened next in the story .

Anyway, a quick opinion, though I've already said most here and there.

A solid remake for sure. The graphics and the art-direction are amazing. Everything looks exactly like they were supposed to judging from original concept art. They went even further than in Ocarina of Time 3D with the added detail and nuance. they definitely changed quite a few things from the original, though I got to say the changes are hit and miss.

For example (spoilered for those that haven't played the remake yet and like surprises):

The Bomber's Notebook I feel got worse. While it's handy that there's a list that keeps track of the quests, they broke the time schedule. Now, you've got to guess when to be where, because it'll only show a timeslot after you've already completed some task. The Song of Double Time is definitely improved and much more useful now though. The bosses have always been a weakpoint of the game to me, save a few, and they tried to change it up with varying results. Odolwa in the Woodfall Temple I'd say is improved, having to hit him from the top finally makes the Deku Nuts useful in any game. Goht is more or less the same and remains the best boss to me. They changed up Gyorg in the Great Bay Temple a lot, but it is just as annoying as it was. At least it's easier to hit now. Contrary to Twinmold, which is now way worse. Having to shoot the blue one while other charges at you every five seconds is completely frustrating. Then, when the blue one is dead, hitting the red one as Giant Link is way harder than it used to. Though I like that he looks different and is not just a giant Link, it's ten times harder to actually hit the boss with your fists instead of a sword while being slow as a snail. It also takes way too long. Majora's Mask himself is about the same, which was good, but he seems easier, like I didn't need to him as often (used only the regular, though upgraded, sword). I do like how a lot of the Stray Faeries were in new locations, gives us veterans something to search for, as well as the new sidequest, though short and only for another bottle, are nice additions. The Fishing Pond is useless however and I barely used it.

These changes did do the opposite than what they did with Wind Waker HD for me. I like Wind Waker better now and prefer the remaster, while with Majora's Mask I prefer the original. Completed it 100%, basically, got all masks, did all sidequests. The only things I missed were completing the Fishing Ponds and three Pieces of Heart somewhere in the overworld, but I don't feel like looking for them. I truly completed the game 100% on GameCube once already anyway.

Still, the game is absolutely brilliant and playing this, Ocarina of Time and Link's Awakening right after having played A Link Between Worlds and seeing Triforce Heroes, reminds that we need mister Koizumi back on the Zelda series. I like the games with a more serious, dare I say 'mysterious', tone way, way better.