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UltimateGamerConsole said:
d21lewis said:

They did a good job of making you feel small while climbing something huge.  Basically a living level.  That's just like Shadow of the Colossus or those giant spider tanks in Halo 3.  If that's scale (and it is), what would you say about an entire level taking place inside of a giant creature (ie: Gears of War 2, Star Fox Adventures, etc.) because it was so huge it ate you.  In Gears 2's case, it was so big it ate your whole city.


I think you guys are taking about two different kinds of "scale".  You're talking about the size of the creatures (like Poseidon).  He's taking about how far off into the distance he can see and how huge the levels feel.  As big as those titans are, you still only see a small amount on screen at a time.


And guess what? Neither one of you is wrong.

The Gears 2 and Star Fox Adventures comparison doesn't do it justice. There was nothing as massive as God Of War III's bosses in these games, and with that level of detail, it is astounding. Poseidon was actually small compared to Gaia and Chronos.

How about compared to this guy? (Fast forward to 11 mins)

*edit*  I haven't played GoW3 in years.  Just looked up the battle with the boss that had Kratos running around like a bug on his arm.  Very impressive.  Forgot all about it.  Think I was too blinded by Aphrodite's boobies to think of anything else.