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cheshirescat said:
Why does fox have such a hard on for the fantastic four franchise? They've clung to it for ages now and I don't see how the dreck they've churned out could have made them much, if any, money in theaters or dvd sales. Is the merchandise selling really well or something?

The first two didn't do bad at the box office.  I'm sure DVD sales were decent, as well.  However, I think they rebooted it because they wanted something along the success of the Marvel Studio movies.  Of course, they don't realize you can't just shit out a movie that changes many things about the characters, and expect the fans of those characters to just come and pay to lap up that shit.  The new one was an absolute flop.

Edit: Just to help illustrate how bad the new one performed, I'll compare the numbers.  The 1st FF movie cost them $100M and made $331M at the box office.  So, they got ~$182M from ticket sales, or a profit of ~$82M.  The 2nd on cost them $130M and made $289M.  So, they got ~159M, or a profit of $29M.  The reboot cost $110M to make and has only made $161M.  That means they have only gotten ~$89M for their cut, for a loss of $21M.