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Cerebralbore101 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Cerebralbore101 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Cerebralbore101 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

So you're suggesting that a person who had the option to buy three top notch games with (two with replay value) should opt for the console with one top notch game with no replay value? I am not even adding Gears of War as I am playing it right now and the 60fps multiplayer is awesome. It definitely encourages friendly co-op with friends.

If Bloodborne is anything like Dark Souls, it is brimming with replay value. Persona 5, and SFV will close the gap by early next year. After that it will be three quality exclusives vs two quality exclusives. Unless we want to be shortsighted, the PS4 is the clear winner.

Thats nextyear. This post is about this year. Anyone with half a brain who is objective knows the Xbox One has the holiday. Playstation will own first quarter next year for sure, pending Quantum Break isn't a hit. Sony won 2015 in sales, but not top tier exclusives. Bloodborne was it and I don't even really know when Persona is dropping, but it will and I am sure the JRPG gamers will like that. It wont be something the mass audience is clamoring for though.

The question posed by OP was "Which console should you buy this holiday?", not "Which console will sell the most units this holiday season?", and definately not, "Which console has the most exclusives this holiday season?". Changing the topic to either of those questions is just a red herring. And in response to OP's question, I say, "You should buy the PS4 this holiday season, because in the long run it will have more exclusives, and more third party support."

Sony didn't win 2015 in top teir exclusives? Hmmmm. Let me check... Here's Microsoft's year. And Here's Sony's.


I already have both. I am just saying where the hype is going to be in fourth quarter is the xbox.

Let me pose a question to you. What games do sony have in 4th quarter to go up against halo by itself? Forget tomb raider, forget forza, fable legends and the rest. I am giving you a one game handicap and you better have a good answer.

Jonny has one sickly old cow for sale. It will die soon.

Jim has three newborn calves. One of them is male, and the other two are female. None of the three calves are related.

The sickly old cow costs $1,000. You can also buy all three calves for $1000. You already have a field to let either purchase graze on.

The sickly cow has two working utters.

Jonny's argument for purchasing the sickly old cow. "Let me pose a question to you. What utters do those calves have to go up against just one of my cow's utters? Forget the other utter! I'm giving Jim a handicap. Jim had better have a good answer!"

Jim's argument for purchasing the three calves. "The sickly old cow will die within the next year. Any milk you get from her this summer will be all the milk you ever get. The calves will be ready to produce milk within the next year. They will mate with each other and produce more calves, which will produce more milk. In the long  run you stand to gain the most by buying my calves."

Parable fun time is over. S.T.A.G.E., which purchase would you make, based on the arguments made by the two cow salesmen?

Jim's cows of course. I was just being objective based on this years offerings during the holiday season.