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Onimusha12 said:
Sqrl said:
Onimusha12 said:
How can anyone who has seen those credits not give a damn they were taken out?

Cause they've seen them?

What the shit kind of logic is that? Oh I saw the intro to the game in the PS2 version, cut it out. Oh I fought that boss in the PS2 version, I don't miss him being left out.

Clearly you've not seen the credits because if you did, you'd know what I was talking about.

 How can you single handedly call the argument shit logic and then propose it yourself to support your argument in the same post?

And yes I have seen the credits, you just didn't understand my point.   You asked why those who've seen the credits don't give a damn and the answer is because they've seen them, only those who have missed them would care that they were taken out....almost by definition.

I'm not disagreeing with you that they should have included them, they definitely should of and they probably could have if they would have given a short phone call to clover and told them to sign off on it or the credits would have to be cut.  

But none of that changes the fact that the new brush controls change the entire gameplay experience and completely outweigh the credits which I can see on YouTube. I can't log on to the internet and get that new gameplay experience.

To Each Man, Responsibility