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Miyamotoo said:
Soundwave said:

You want a reason? Here's a reason ... lets forget the PS/XBox crowd even that Nintendo cannot crack right now. Even within Nintendo's own user base, 80% of them will never play Super Mario 3D World this gen. Or Splatoon. Or Legend of Zelda U. Or Mario Kart 8. That's what happens when 53 million of your users are on the 3DS, and only 10 million are on the Wii U. 

If that doesn't strike you as a huge problem, especially when these HD games are likely the most expensive games in their respective franchises to develop ... well maybe that needs to be focused on moreso. Even a many Nintendo fans don't want or need a Nintendo console. That's the cold, bitter truth of it. 

That really is why I think Nintendo wants unification, that's the sobering reality of it. 

The handheld cannot just be the  after thought or the little brother of the hardware line anymore. The handhelds are where 80% of Nintendo's software buying base is at, and unless Nintendo pulls a casual miracle to bring back Wii owners, that likely is not changing any time in the future. 

That's why I believe Nintendo is moving towards unification and more specifically that means that Nintendo portable going forward is going to need to be able to play the MAIN Nintendo franchises, not just little hand-me-down spin-offs, but the main ones. 

Selling your most expensive to make games to only 1/5th of your audience is not good business and obviously I think Nintendo wants to move away from that with NX. Beyond that I don't think they can support a PS4 level console and even a Vita level handheld at the same time without massive droughts. They are barely managing as is with the Wii U/3DS (and by barely, I really mean "not really"). You're just going to have unhappy customers for both devices if they don't unify in a real meaningful way because the software support is going to be frustratingly slow in arriving. 

I totally agree and thats what exactly Nintendo is planning to do, I just dont think they need 2x-3x stronger hardwer than Vita for their next handhed in order to play main Nintendo franchaise.

Even 3DS is so much weak plays some of Nintendo main franchises, Mario Kart 7, Mario 3D Land and best example is Smash Bros, so I think similar Vita power would be enough for main Nintendo franchises that are scalable for handheld.

It needs to be able to run this level of graphics IMO at minimum:

Now yes, maybe they can cheat a bit by doing things like lowering the resolution to 960x540, but I don't think Nintendo is going to accept even compromises on things like making a 60 fps game 30 fps on the handheld because that alters the game play of the title, and that's a no-no in Nintendo's book. 

So they're going to need some serious grunt under the hood to get to the above. If they can, then yes, they will be able to supply their audience base with the *main* versions of their key IP and that I think is vitally important to Nintendo's business interests. 

You can't make the most expensive Zelda game (which the above almost certainly is) and then sell it to your smallest console base period. 

The fact is the majority of Nintendo fans don't even want a Nintendo console right now. Maybe by miracle that can change, but Nintendo can't count on that, they need to start getting pretty much all their games to the handheld audience. The console is holding back the sales of these types of games big time. DKC: Tropical Freeze easily for example I think would've sold double or even triple the amount had it been on the 3DS. 

Vita is a weak chip, Nintendo can do much better than that for fall 2016. In general I think we need to lose this mentality that the handheld is just something Nintendo can kinda throw together at the last minute and it's some subservant to the home console. The reality is looking at Nintendo's actual hardware base, it needs to the other way around (handheld needs to have the most thought put into it and be the lead platform). 

The 3DS right now is the only thing preventing Nintendo from being forced into third-party-dom.