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So how are you enjoying the place? It's not much but I call it home. Sure it's a little rough around the edges but you soon get used to it and there's a certain charm to the area, as well. Oh, that? That's nothing. That's just a scrapbook from the good ol' days of yesteryear. Back when I thought the Wii would sell 150 million and the Kinect would never work. Pah, good times right? Ooh, now that's an interesting one! Why don't we talk a little about gamrTalk, then? 

The Idea

For lack of a better word, gamrTalk is a somewhat ill-conceived idea from Darth and I (that's showing your age!) back in 2011. In short, each week there will be a new person selected from the back catalogue of VGC greats (and not-so-greats) who will be interviewed and the answers put here. You will be posting the questions in this thread (maximum three per user), and I will select the best along with my own to give to him. You can ask anything, and if it's good enough then I will include it in the interview. 

Then I will post the thread, with the full unedited interview for all to see. From then the person involved will be responding to any and all questions over a 24 hour period (To Be Confirmed) posted in this thread, so even if you miss your chance the first time don't panic! You're more than welcome to ask it again. There are only a few things to be aware of:


1. Nothing overtly rude or personal needs to be answered 

2. This is not a roast thread, you can ask questions but not insult or attack the interviewee. If you have nothing good to say about the person, don't post.

3. If you don't post in the set time period (24 hours) a question, then that's it! No "Sorry Coney I was busy stroking a tea cosy", when the time is up that's the interview over. No second chances!


In addition there will also be a number of activities and games present during the interview thread, which time will be included and posted prior to it beginning. Varying from things like "Guess the VGC User/Gaming Character" to pub quizzes, riddles and more, be sure to keep an eye out for the thread and take part because the more you give, the more you'll get out of it!


Next Interviewee


The Ace Doodler, contributor and one of the stars of 2015, Cloudman will be open to your questions!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.