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This site is primarily a gaming site. If you let what the means sink in, you will understand that a majority of the people in gaming sites tend to argue nonstop about the same arguments and are thus starved and will jump to the nearest argument. Not saying that its everyone.

However, typically the original post is significantly more irrational than the commentators. A reference point would be yesterday when someone posted about a youtuber saying that people who only like Nintendo products are mentally damaged or something, and "expecting people to be civil". In other words, just unanimously agree. Which is insane.

To expect people to change their attitude to match what you or the majority desire, well after, what is clearly at least, many instances of them not changing, is insane. If you're willing to make a thread about people being crazy over their thoughts, you and you're thoughts just as crazy. Chances are, you're more crazy. Painting everyone else in a picture where they are crazy will never legitimately detract from the fact you're finger painting, dyed in the same color.