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All I know is that my country takes in way to many , we cant handle the costs... but my country is so F-ing PC that they try and convince the rest of the people here that we can help many many more while our "own" people who have lived here and worked here for 50+ years cant get a decent pension or healthcare  nor our young adoults can't move out beacuse there are nowhere to move.
no wonder the "nationalist2 party is now the 2nd biggest... going from 4% of the wotes 10 years ago to 22% today.

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints