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The Fury said:
Dusk said:

The healing is actually from the DNA, not the brain. Since his DNA is in his skeleton that is infused with adamantium, Wolverine is essentially invincible. Admittedly, the skeleton would have fallen to bits without ANY flesh to hold it together, but then there would possibly be multiple Wolverines out there with a limb or two that have adamantium skeleton. Kind of like Dead Pool and the multiples of him out there. 

Nope, Deadpool and Wolverine's healing are completely different. Wolverine heals, he doesn't regenerate. (see AoA Wolverine, same guy). He cannot heal something that isn't there to heal.

Wolverine has been killed serveral times in recent years, even once by himself. If he can just regenerate (including a new head) then Wolverine would know he can't kill himself so why would be bother? (See Age of Ultron).


Yes, of course he can. While his body would be able to survive the degradation of being without oxygen for longer than most humans, leave him without oxygen for long enough and he dies. He still needs air, he is human after all. This is what I'm (as a X-men fanboy) don't like. The Protrayal of an immportal Wolverine when he's just means to be human just with a rediculously crazy healing factor.

Ah, ok. But I heard Professor X said it was from his Brain Stem.