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The problem wasn't the Cell CPU per se. It was the SDK. The debugger was a mess and also the profiler wasn't good. The same thing happened to the XBone at launch, where the SDK was half baked and so many games were running at 720/792p. Indeed in the second half of the generation many games were running better on PS3 than XBone. Of which the latter was limited by the DVD only architecture and that in my book retarded the industry.

Just look what happened to FFXIII and its sequels. The first was developed already for PS3 and had to avoid disc swapping once ported to the X360. Which is probably the reason why it was so linear (at least on PS3 it kept the looks -even at 1080p on cutscenes!! - being one of the best looking multiplatform games on PS3). The other two started the production on both platforms and so had to be squeezed to fit a single DVD. Few cutscenes and lower quality