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I was just in Montana a few months ago and I met some of the nicest people I ever have in my life. Despite being half a day's drive away they thought that Canada was called Canadia, and quite a few were fat but I'm not going to judge a whole country based on that. We were treated very well and all of the Americans I have met on this forum are really great people so that is one assumption (Americans are dicks) that has been crossed off my list. And I think Americans are quite varied and cultured too, despite what a lot of people say. Just like in Canada, an American can be black, white, hispanic, asian, middle eastern, etc, and just like in Canada they speak and act differently depending on what part of the country they are from. Americans are a very proud and patriotic people that hold their values and country very close to their heart. All Americans I've met irl have been very opinionated I'll admit, but that isn't something that irks me personally. I've met hospitable Texans, down-to-earth Colorado people, kind small-town Montana folk, and bustling New Yorkers. The city-folk are more dickish than the rural folk but that goes for any country.

What do I think of the USA? Well I'm not sure how to respond to such a general question. The media? The politics? The social layering? One thing I can say is that it annoys me how divided the country is when it comes to politics. Maybe it's because of what the political parties represent but you don't see that a lot in Canada. There are a lot of political grey areas and overlaps here but in the USA it seems black and white to me. South vs North; "Socialist" Democrat vs "Hillbilly" Republican. In Canada there is a bit of friction between the French Canadians and Anglophones but it is less frequent and less vocal; more social than political. The Eastern manufacturing/fishing provinces vs the western resource/farming provinces will differ in political opinion but the voting is pretty evenly spread. The Conservative west and Liberal east don't really seem that separate, especially since the NDP got elected in Alberta. In Canada it really feels more like a united whole than it seems in the USA when it comes to Politics. American politics annoy me because I think they could move forward a lot more as a country if they all agreed on a political middle-ground instead of these extremes. Obviously that is absurd to ask of them and I cannot see it happening anytime soon, but like I said before, it surprises me how the French and English here in Canada get along a whole lot better than the English vs English in the USA. Anyhow rant over lol.

We will trade you Beiber for Obama.

#1 Amb-ass-ador