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zorg1000 said:
danielrdp said:

Nintendo was really luck with the Wii. I don't know if that can possible happen again. Gamecube biggest problem was the mini disc that Nintendo opted to use. Third parties had to try to fit the game in one or two discs, sometimes losing features in the process. Gamecube wasn't the perfect console either. Besides Microsoft introduced the Xbox live in 2002. Nintendo didn't have nothing similar to offer. We all know how important live is now. Nintendo shouldn't stop trying to compete with Sony and Microsft, because the gamecube's failure. 

No, they were not lucky with Wii

Luck: success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one's own actions

That in no way describes Wii. You can go back and listen to Iwata at E3 2005 during the Revolution reveal and he perfectly explained what would happen during the 7th generation. Nintendo didn't get lucky, they came up with a desirable product and had great execution and marketing, that's not luck.

GC had Madden, FIFA, NBA, NFL Street, Medal of Honor, Need for Speed, Burnout, Call of Duty, Tony Hawk, Spyro, Crash, Spider-Man, X-Men, Prince of Persia, Ghost Recon, Splinter Cell, Rainbow Six, Rayman, Mortal Kombat, The Matrix, DragonBall Z, Turok, Hitman, Tomb Raider, Soul Calibur, Tales of, Pac-Man, Resident Evil, Viewtiful Joe, Okami, Crystal Chronicles, Twin Snakes, Sonic, etc. it got a ton of multiplat releases from Western devs along with a bunch of exclusive/timed exclusive titles from Japanese devs and it really got then nowhere. There really is nothing that suggests a Nintendo version of Playstation/Xbox will do anything significant for them.

There is one thing many people are forgetting.  The NX will not have to compete with what is a new technology that caught on like wild fire([DVD player]I can't predict the future so maybe it will have to, but I doubt it.)  Both the Dreamcast and GameCube lost a lot of games do to the fact that a person could get a new game machine and a dvd player in one.   Out of 150 million PS2 sales, I'm sure that close to 25m were people who bought it for the DVD Player inclusioin.  If you do that math thats more then Dreamcast, Xbox(1) and Wii U combined.